Poetry Book Publishing
Publishing a manuscript rewards the author in several ways. The wide review of the book will certainly establish the author's fame in the world of letters. A literary prize or a fellowship may be awarded to the artist, whose compositions will be appreciated by innumerable magazines.
About Cyberwit.net
Cyberwit.net is a leading Publisher of fiction and non-fiction across the globe. Where different nations meet at a single Place. Join us for the greatest gathering of Creative Artists, to create a better world to breathe in. Only creative artists can create a world of Peace, Love, Beauty and Freedom. Cyberwit has published a myriad of new authors, and an increasingly large number of collections of verse. The significance of Poetry has not declined, and the 21st century seems to be the Golden Era of English Poetry.
The name of Cyberwit is known to readers in several countries. Cyberwit will work closely with you in publishing books of fiction and non-fiction, including: novels, short stories, poems, biographies, autobiographies, psychology, religion, history, health, humor etc.
If you are interested in finding a publisher for your book, Cyberwit will work closely with you in publishing books of fiction and non-fiction, including: novels, short stories, poems, biographies, autobiographies, psychology, religion, history, health, humor etc. Our motto is to satisfy the author who assign work to us. Your search ends at Cyberwit.
Publishing Process at Cyberwit.net
Thank you for your interest in Cyberwit. Publishing a manuscript rewards the author in several ways. The wide review of the book will certainly establish the author's fame in the world of letters. A literary prize or a fellowship may be awarded to the artist, whose compositions will be appreciated by innumerable magazines. Cyberwit.net is a leading Publisher of fiction and non-fiction across the globe with a strong presence in USA via Amazon.com.
The name of Cyberwit is known to readers in several countries. Cyberwit will work closely with you in publishing books of fiction and non-fiction, including: novels, short stories, poems, biographies, autobiographies, psychology, religion, history, health, humor etc. We encourage writers from all backgrounds to submit; it is our goal at Cyberwit to develop a rich and varied literary tradition. Your search ends at Cyberwit.
Submission Guidelines
Authors have to send us the text file in MS Word attachment. Photographs and arts in TIFF/PNG/JPEG formats.
A brief (1-2 page) synopsis of the project.
One to two sample poems / chapters.
A description of your target audience.
World copyright of the book published will rest with the author/artist.
Please be sure that your name, address, and e-mail address are on the submission.
We prefer to receive submissions by email. Our submissions address is [email protected]
If You Prefer Regular Mail
Mailing address:
Thank you for your interest in Cyberwit Publishing. We look forward to reading your proposal soon.